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BiCMOS Advanced Phase-Shift PWM Controller供应BiCMOS相移PWM控制器
Check for Samples: UCC1895, UCC2895, UCC3895
The UCC3895 is a phase-shift PWM controller that • Programmable-Output Turnon Delay供应BiCMOS相移PWM控制器
implements control of a full-bridge power stage by
• Adaptive Delay Set phase shifting the switching of one half-bridge with
• Bidirectional Oscillator Synchronization respect to the other. The device allows constant
• Voltage-Mode, Peak Current-Mode, or Average frequency pulse-width modulation in conjunction with
Current-Mode Control resonant zero-voltage switching to provide high供应BiCMOS相移PWM控制器
efficiency at high frequencies. The part is used either
• Programmable Softstart, Softstop and Chip as a voltage-mode or current-mode controller.供应BiCMOS相移PWM控制器
Disable via a Single Pin
While the UCC3895 maintains the functionality of the • 0% to 100% Duty-Cycle Control UC3875/6/7/8 family and UC3879, it improves on that
• 7-MHz Error Amplifier controller family with additional features such as
• Operation to 1 MHz enhanced control logic, adaptive delay set, and
shutdown capability. Because the device is built using • Typical 5-mA Operating Current at 500 kHz the BCDMOS process, it operates with dramatically
BiCMOS相移PWM控制器 深圳市汇莱威科技有限公司于2011年8月26日在深圳市市场监督管理局登记成立 以质量优、价格合理为经营理念,以互信互惠为宗旨,以信誉、看长远、求共同发展为目标,竭诚为新老客户提供服务地址:深圳福田区振兴西路109号华康大夏2栋503室 手机:18923795677 电话:0755-82785677 82785377
联系人:朱小姐 传真:0755-82767689
QQ:1399359237 1075125928